Right-of-Way (States)

Information about right-of-way, occupation and use


What is right-of-way?

What is Non-Aedificandi Range?

The area in red corresponds to the right-of-way for this road segment.

It is the set of areas declared to be of public utility, expropriated (by decree or administrative seizure) and necessary for the implementation of road or highway works and their operational devices, such as drainage, marginal roads, returns, interchanges, tolls and other support activities to users, in accordance with Law 9503/97 – Brazilian Traffic Code, of 09/23/1997 Annex I, excluding the remaining areas, as seen in the image above, with the area in red corresponding to the right-of-way of this segment of highway.

The area in red corresponds to the right-of-way for this road segment.


As the name itself says “area non aedificandi”’, in Latin it means “space where it is not allowed to build”. In accordance with Decree-Law 13,626/43, of October 21, 1943, which: "Prevents construction less than 15 meters (Non Aedificandi lane) from the limit of the domain lanes of state roads, therefore, analysis is necessary for approval and subsequent inspection of the works on land adjacent to the granted highways.”


Still according to Federal Law 6,766/79, the destination and use of the non-building area are a guarantee of space for future works of duplications or expansions that may bring road

improvements. Therefore, housing construction, invasions or building in these areas are not allowed. The owner can use this strip for agricultural purposes, uncovered parking lots, uncovered sports courts, gardens, swimming pools, among others, but it is not possible to build. However, on November 25, 2019, Federal Law 13,913 was published, which amended the wording of Federal Law 6,766 of 1979, to ensure the right to permanence of buildings in this area, provided that they are proven to be inserted in urban areas or areas likely to be included in the urban perimeter. Also, as of this date, the municipality was allowed to reduce this range through municipal or district laws, provided that the minimum limit of 5 meters is obeyed. Thus, as of November 2019, this decline became variable between regions, and should always be verified with the municipality and Concessionaire of the area under study.

Responsibilities of CCR Rodovias

The right-of-way is a service not delegated to the Concessionaire, in accordance with the established concession contract, and it is responsible for instructing and instrumentalizing the process for analysis and approval by the Granting Authority, in this act represented by the Regulatory Agency, which has the prerogative of approval of intervention projects in the right-of-way, by complying with the Rules and Legislation in force that govern the matter.

Under the terms of the Concession Agreement, the Concessionaire was delegated the operation of the road system, comprising the following services:

Highway maintenance

Recovery, maintenance, conservation and operation of highways, in addition to ensuring the integrity of the assets that make up the concession and the remaining areas, taking all necessary measures, including those related to the right-of-way.

Quality service and safety

It is up to the Concessionaire to provide an adequate service, as well as to preserve the safety of the users of the granted highway, according to the rules of the Bidding Notice.

24 hours monitoring

Among the obligations assumed before the Granting Authority, there is also the uninterrupted monitoring of the highway, ensuring not only the fluidity of traffic, but, mainly, the operational safety of the users who travel along it and the integrity of the public property affected.

Types of Third-Party Interventions in the right-of-way

Click to access more information about the types of interventions, direct or indirect, that can be carried out in the right-of-way, by complying with the current instructions and regulations described on their respective pages.


Guidelines for opening and regularizing access, using the right-of-way, construction, installing panels and holding tests and events.


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